Saturday, October 17, 2009


Well , i wonder if the horoscope is really true?

Though i believe in horoscope but nt fully , maybe only 70% ?

I , myself , dont even know how much i believe in something , well i believe cos i am just a typical human living in this vast , cruel and pathetic world.

Only the fittest can survive , this is totally true.

There are a lot of species living in Earth , tons of organism , but not all can compromise and survive together , one thing for sure ; Not all species said the same language.

Since we cant communicate with one another , we do not know what one another wants , BUT one common thing that can be sense with our 7th sense , which is the common sense and it is Survival.

Yet we humans kills ants , lizards , bugs , tiger , sharks , snakes , etc.

Cos they invade our privacy , attempt to harm us , steal our food , steal our oxygen , steal our properties , steal our space and whatever reasons that humans can think of , be it totally ridiculous , as its humans nature to find a scapegoat for whatever wrong we had committed.

This meant that its impossible to wash away one sins.

Well , my conclusion is , even the same type of species cant live in harmony , why even bother to care about other species.

Last but not least , only the fittest survive be it any species.

Hope for a War against all , only the fittest one or family can survive. =D

Life is short , we live to die.

Time heal all wounds but the consequences is , time kills.