Lol , this is blur , haha bear with it ba =D
Hmmm , on 1st of april , went to town with jiande , penghoe , heng tong and wei hong , met at 2pm at je , heng i nt that last , ph is the last , WAHAHA.
Then headed to raffles place and dunno walk where le , went to paragon , heeren and wheellock , lol cute name.
Kept walkin to and fro from paragon to wheellock -.- , to buy stuffs as they cant make up their mind , tiring sia !!
We ate at paragon de sushi tei or teh ar , lol , at around 4pm , lol one bowl of noodles i pay $10 , though cost $7 nia but extra money for gst tax and my friends to drink coffee , Lol .
At first we also cant make up our mind between sushi or coffee bean so we flip a coin , and heng wen to sushi , cos how to settle between lunch and dinner at coffee bean sia , and coffee bean de great idea is me gave de =D
Ok , a few of my friends got buy smt , only i buy nth , i went there just to accompany them ba , had no intention to shop.
Had some fun by playing with one another , like pushing , gaying , disturbing others , lol and stuffs , haha quite chidlish but fun, u all should know what stuffs we all played as all teenages will play with friends de , or i say guai laning one another ?? Lol
Kept walking and window shopping for me till around 7pm then we went to pool , i played pool for a few matches only , around 10pm then we head off le , during the journey to mrt we kept saying damn cold and lame de april fool jokes -.-( also i start first de =D )
Me and wh alighted at Je , bought 2 packest of titbits , i chose for wh de also , lol we 2 bought almost the same , except for one packet of calbee potato chips different a bit.
I took bus 99 there and OFF TO HOME , Dota one round with jd and wh and won , though got 2 other noob public teammates , shall nt comment more about them , cos they will make my blood boil and they are hopelesssssssssssssss.
Blogged and Night